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This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/EXMP
This Page Details the Exemplar and Cohort formats of Simcity 4

Lists of the exemplar/cohort properties can be found here: ExemplarPropertiesList

Exemplars/Cohorts can be either Text or Binary (Text formats are found exclusively in maxis plugins) and this can be determined by reading the 4th byte in any exemplar or cohort. In text EXMP files this is T and in Binary EXMP files it is B.

Format Spec Follows

Exemplar and Cohort File Format for Simcity4 by EA. Specification by Buggi, Karybdis, Ilive, Tropod

   8 BYTES -   The file identifier. Can be EQZB1###, EQZT1### for exemplars
               and CQZB1### or CQZT1### for cohorts. B denotes Binary format.
               T is text. 1 is version.
   DWORD -     Parent cohort type id
   DWORD -     Parent cohort group id
   DWORD -     Parent cohort instance id
   DWORD -     Property count. This specifies how many properties are
               contained in the exemplar or cohort. Critical to reading the
               file properly.
   +24         Repetitions of properties follow. Each property varies in size.

   Property structure
   All properties have the same basic structure. They start at offset
   24 in an exemplar or cohort. 
   DWORD -     The properties numerical value. Represented as
               0x???????? in Ilives reader and DatGen4.
   WORD -      The properties ValueType. This defines weather its a
               uint or a float etc. See table below for possible
   WORD -      The KeyType. The KeyType contains a value of 0x80 if the
               property has more than or equal to one repetition, and
               0x00 if it has 0 repetitions. 80 is the only recorded
   BYTE -      Number of values, or value repetitions, if the KeyType
               is zero. When KeyType is 0x80, this is an unused flag.
   DWORD -     Number of values, or value repetitions, if the KeyType
               value is 0x80. A repetition of 1 represents properties capable of
               more than one repetition but held to 1 rep for the moment.

    When KeyType is 0x00, this is a single value as defined by ValueType 
   ARBIT -     Value repetitions when KeyType is 0x80. Depending on
               data type, the length of these repetitions varies. See
               ValueType below on data types.

   Type        Numeric value   Property values length
   ----        -------------   ----------------------
   SInt32      0x700           4
   Float32     0x900           4
   UInt32      0x300           4
   Bool        0xB00           1
   UInt8       0x100           1
   SInt64      0x800           8
   UInt16      0x200 		2
   String      0xC00           Number of Reps Value is String Length
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